heal your whole self.

Functional medicine gave me the hope, the guidance, and the tools to improve my thyroid condition.

Functional medicine is an evidence-based, root cause approach to understanding each individual. Functional medicine practitioners look at all of a patient’s symptoms and consider the body as a whole system. Most traditional doctors we see these days specialize in one part of the body (e.g., the heart, the eyes, the skin) and usually focus their recommendations on that body part.

Functional medicine doctors engage in a variety of lab testing to better understand what may be happening throughout your entire body. When they have arrived at a diagnosis, their recommendations can include medicine, but also often involve lifestyle changes, such as dietary changes and the addition of movement and relaxation practices (such as yoga, meditation, or tai chi). 

Health coaches can support clients with making lifestyle changes in the following areas: sleep and relaxation, movement and exercise, nutrition, stress management, and relationships.

In this busy, modern world, it can be hard to FIND time to prioritize your health.

Because of this, it can be helpful to build yourself a toolkit of habits, routines, and resources that you can call upon to support you in the following areas of life:

  • Sleep & Relaxation

  • Movement & Exercise

  • Nutrition

  • Stress Management

  • Relationships

I know this can feel like a tall order — I’ve been there. One strategy I’ve learned is to find one tool that supports several pillars at once, such as yoga or potluck dinners with friends. Together, we can identify and test specific strategies that work for you.

what can you add to your health and wellness toolkit?